Yes, yes I know, long time, no blogging. But hey, better late than never, right? I figured I had better start from the beginning. So here is our extremely belated summer re-cap!!
We started our exciting (and busy) summer with a trip to the East Coast. I didn't put all of our pictures on here, but I chose a couple of the good ones from when we were in New York.
This is our family in front of the Statue of Liberty. We took a ferry over to Ellis Island and toured the statue. It was amazing!

This is a SWEET shot I took standing at the base of the statue. Shows you just how tall Lady Liberty really is!

This is a picture of the Rockefellar Center. One of Mom's favorites.

This was one of my favorite places - the New York Public Library (typical me). The architecture was absolutely incredible, and well, so were the books, of course!

Grand Central Station! We travelled mostly by subways and by foot for our week in New York City.

I took this picture as we were walking on the Brooklyn Bridge.

This is an awesome picture (taken by me, of course) of New York City when the storm was rolling in. I took this picture when we were standing on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Wall Street and Broadway! Haha!

FAO Schwartz - the biggest toy store in the world! This place was awesome!!!

We went to the top of the Rockefellar Center. It was amazing. You could see for miles!
Well, after our vacation, Ella and Brandon did swim team at Poston Jr. High. This is Ella after she went to the semi-finals. (Brandon's picture wouldn't upload.)

In late June, I went to EFY in Flagstaff at NAU with Capri. This is a picture of the girls in our company. We became really close friends during our week together.
This is me with all the boys!
This is a picture of our whole company. Our name was Able to Bear It. It's amazing how close you can bond with a group of kids in just a week's time. I miss all my EFY buddies and I can't wait to see them. As always, EFY was an incredible experience!
Well, after EFY, things didn't slow down for anybody! Girls' Camp, here I come! So this year, since my mom is now in Primary, she thought that she wouldn't have to go to camp. SHE WISHES! She was called to be a YCL leader! HAHA! This is her group of girls.
Practicing the Drawing Time dance!

This is our ward! (I'm not in the picture because I went to A-Camp!)

Wow - Lots of girls!

Mom and Jadie going for a hike!

So, since this was my fourth year at Girls' Camp, I attended A-Camp! We went two days earlier than everyone else and did some real camping! We had a group of fourteen girls and eight leaders, plus our our YCLs. We really became close, especially since our group was so small. A-Camp was AMAZING! This picture was taken when we were returning to main camp on Thursday.

Wow, will you look at that pack? It's almost as big as me! It was a pain to carry!

Me, looking just fabulous (not), without makeup and without showering for three days! EW!

Thursday night, all of the A-Campers put on a program for the rest of the girls. (After showers, of course!)

FUN FRIDAY! On Friday we did tons of fun activities and just hung out with our buddies.

Doesn't Mom look just THRILLED?!

Scuba Diving! The Young Women in our ward went scuba diving in our pool, and Dad decided to join us! He seemed to have tons of fun. I know I did!

All of us getting ready to go under.

I was just a bit (a LOT) retarded with the whole breathing thing. I would comtinually FORGET to breath!

This summer, Jaidyn did her Playgroup again. She had lots of little ones running around here on Tuesdays! She had fun, though, and made lots of mula!

This summer was a busy, but fun one!