Well, since this is our first post EVER, I figured I would start by telling a little about our family. Since there is no way Mom could find the time to blog, I offered to do it for her! So we will try to post as often as possible and keep you all updated on the things that go on in our lives!

Mom and Dad (AKA Jon and Misty) were married on May 31, 1998. They both work incredibly hard to provide for our family. They are very loving and caring and they always point us in the right direction. Thank you! We love you!

So...this is me. I will be sixteen in October! Mom can't quite believe that I will be dating and driving. She has yet to accept the fact that I'm growing up! (Please, if you talk to her, reassure her that she isn't really THAT old). I have a lot of goals in life, including getting married in the temple (NOT before I'm twenty-two) and getting in to Brigham Young University and majoring in neuropharmacology. Dad always says, "The best time to start is now," and since I will be applying to colleges NEXT YEAR (whoa) I had better get started! So this next school year, I will be taking ALL advanced classes at Mountain View High School. Talk about having NO life. Wish me luck!
This is Miss Jaidyn. She will be in eight grade this year at Poston Junior High School. She is growing up so fast, too! She has lots of friends and enjoys school (for the most part). She is very loving and helpful around the house and with Brandon and Ella. Jaidyn seems to have a very special talent with young kids. She is really good at keeping them entertained. She is a vital part of our family-what would we do without her?
The Golden Child. Need I say any more? Just kidding Mom...Brandon is definitaly the ONLY boy in this family. And believe me, the kid is ALL boy. He will be starting second grade at MacArthur Elementary School on Monday. He is really excited! Brandon has a great sense of humor and never fails to make us roll our eyes and laugh. Brandon is the type of kid who thinks he is completely invinsible and indestructable. "If a car is coming at me, I will move it!"
Ella Bella Pumpkin Pie. Ella is really excited to be starting Kindergarten at MacArthur. She is super psyched because she will be going to the same school as Brandon. Ella is our little show girl. She is always singing and dancing. Some of her favorite shows to sing and dance to are High School Musical and Camp Rock. She loves shopping and buying shoes! That's my girl!
Brandon and Ella are BEST friends. There's no other way to put it. They get along extremely well, and they love each other to pieces!
Jaidyn and I are also pretty close.
The Terrific Thomas Family!

Hope you enjoyed reading a little bit about our family. Leave us some comments! :D